Sunday 11 March 2018

Week 1 - 2 Coming up with a Project Question

I have gone through several different project questions since the start of the year. The reason for this being that I had already started the year with a very concrete idea of what I intend to achieve with the objective given by this class. I wish to tie in the final product of this project with the video game I will be programming next semester, or more specifically put, I want to make an opening animation for it. It took me a few attempts but I think that with critical research and growth in mind I managed to narrow my scope down to the most specific project question I could ask myself. The following is the progression of my project question.

1st attempt - How do I get people hyped using a 1 minute long animation?
           This question, although positive and audacious, is far too broad and open for all sorts of            interpretation. I tried narrowing it down with a follow up question: Why? To which I answered: I want people to want to find out more about the characters/ story that the animation presents. Little did I know I was very close to my finalized project question.

2nd attempt - How do I squeeze a franchise-worthy story into a 1 minute animation? 
           This question is simply too audacious and broad. Nowhere in the question do I specify what I plan on making the audience feel or think about. It also doesn't give me any clue as to where to focus my research into how I can go about doing this either. With this question however, I was able to simplify the first question's follow up (why) question and formulate it into a question of its own.

3rd attempt - How do I introduce as much of a story's themes & content as possible in a fun/hype-inducing way using a 1 minute long animation?
            This question came so close to being my final attempt, it just needed to be polished further and written down in a more formal way for simplicity's sake.

4th attempt - How do I introduce as much of a story's contents and themes as I can in a fun and enticing way using a 1 minute long opening animation?
            It is still a bit of a mouthful but I like it very much. It encompasses everything I am willing to attempt with my project. When dissected keyword by keyword it becomes easy for me to keep track of what I already have to work with and what I need to start working on.

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